Together We Can Do Amazing Things

Return Is... Created Impactful Digital Presence & Boosted Sales by 1000%

NeuroGum was facing fiery competition in energy gum domain. Their goal was to gain high search engine rankings for top-competitive keywords on the prime pages of Google, decrease average cost of sales, generate sales, decrease bounce rate, acquire maximum number of users.



  • Gain #1 ranks on SE for High-competitive keywords in less than 3 months.

  • Increase high-authority backlinks.

  • Boost website traffic by 5X in one month.

  • Boost Sales and conversion by 2X in less than one month.

  • Decrease ACoS (Average Cost of Sales) from 75% to 30% in 1 month.



ROW marketing team successfully surfaced client’s brand products on the prime pages of search engine results for top-competitive keywords in less than 3 months. We helped them to gain 70% visitors, 90% conversion, 80% visibility, and 50% drop in bounce rate through our unimpeachable organic SEO. Improved the ratio of backlinks from 147 to 800 through blogging, press releases, infographics, and high-level off page activities in less than 2 months. Our top-notch marketing strategies helped NeuroGum to reach its targeted goals and surpass its fiery competition.
